Your gift of time or money help us fulfilling our Mission. We are working with you to make a positive impact in Haiti by changing and saving lives. Your support puts you right in the middle of the projects that we have underway in Haiti and in the areas where the Haitian communities reside abroad.
There are more than one way to give. You can give online, by phone or by mail. See our contact information below. Also you can provide a stable flow of support by becoming a Friend of Lakou Association and enable us to be more effective in our projects when you make a monthly gift today and join this special group, they are our most dedicated supporters, caring people just like you.
You determine the amount of your monthly donation and you can alter or stop it at any time by simply contacting us.
Share your passion for change and innovation by commemorating making an honorary tribute and a unique gift. You can make a Memorial Gift from the menu of our Lifetime Membership level.Making a gift at that level enable you to have the satisfaction of knowing your gift will help to provide a lasting legacy for today's and future generations.
Lastly to ensure that all our initiatives remain durable and effective you can support a specific program.
Thanks you so much for your help and support.